Target Market

Our mission at MyRubix is to provide leading brands with a cost-effective form of direct marketing. We aim to increase sales, generate new business on their behalf and to improve their brand awareness across the areas in which we work.

Setting Objectives

Goal setting is crucial to this development process to ensure every candidate is reaching the standards they wish to attain. Appraisals are undertaken at regular intervals so we can adjust the training and development requirements accordingly.

Marketing Strategy

We can provide promotional services for large corporate clients. Each client receives a tailored campaign designed around their specific needs. Our clients receive a much higher performance than many of our competitors in both acquisitions and quality.

Rise to the Top

Our multi-tiered entrepreneurship programme allows a person to think and learn about business in an easy to understand format. It is divided into sections, beginning with the foundations and gradually building up into more complex and advanced business concepts.

Your Role

Being a Brand Representative

You represent high-end brands throughout professional Marketing Campaigns. You have three key responsibilities when communicating with customers in a face to face environment.

  1. Deliver Presentations
  2. Create Brand Awareness
  3. Deliver the best Customer Service

Being a Mentor

Mentoring concentrates on increasing confidence, but also honing the skills and abilities needed to develop others. Whilst being a Mentor you will be invited to Global Conferences to further develop your skills by listening to industry experts and like-minded individuals.

  1. Be invited to International Seminars
  2. Coach new Brand Ambassadors 
  3. Build a Team Operation

Being a Business Owner

This stage will teach you how to run and lead a successful business. Designed to develop your skills in day to day management and increasing profitabilty of your very own business which includes hosting skill sharing sessions with all Brand Representatives within your business.

  1. Be a Business Owner
  2. Analyse Yearly Growth
  3. Making Profitable Decisions